Puri-Puri SG Beyond Japanese Rice Bowls @ 161 Lavender. Menu & Review


Jimmy suggested Puri-Puri at 161 Lavender Street for our meet up.

Puri_Puri When I stepped into Puri-Puri, I was struck by the beauty of the interior design. It's quaint, quirky, don't know what theme this is but it felt cosy and welcoming. The furnishing was eclectic - some benches, some chairs, big and some tables, some wood, some iron. It was busy inside but did not feel cluttered or cramped. Puri_Puri Three of us, we come here for their beer promotion (price $25.90), to chill, to catch up.  Puri_Puri Puri-Puri is famous for their Japanese rice bowls popular with the office lunch crowd. Puri_Puri We can also call chef-owner Greg ☎ 9107 5908 and let him fix us an omakase meal of off-menu dishes. Puri_Puri Greg started us off with a Sashimi Moriawase (price $68). In the box, there were Madai (snapper), Hotate (scallop), Salmon, Hamachi (amberjack fish), Otoro (fatty belly of Tuna), and Uni Bodou (sea grape seaweed). Puri_Puri We enjoyed everything in the Sashimi Moriawase - fresh and good quality fish beautifully prepared and presented. View this post on Instagram

Umi Budo or sea grape seaweed from Okinawa, Japan. Nice poppy crunch to the bite which releases gushes of briny savoury watery juice. Interesting novelty that adds a bit of spark to the meal. Read more 👉https://johorkaki.blogspot.com/2020/10/puri-puri-sg-beyond-japanese-rice-bowls.html

A post shared by Tony Johor Kaki (@johorkaki) on Oct 1, 2020 at 6:43am PDT

Puri_Puri Potato Mentai Yaki (price $8.90). Nice depth of savoury cheesy flavours from mentaiko and molten cheese over the natural sweetness of buttery baked potatoes. Puri_Puri The beer promotion came with complimentary Tori Karaage (fried boneless chicken thigh). I love the golden brown crisp outside and the nice savoury sweet flavour of the tender juicy chicken inside. Puri_Puri We enjoyed Puri-Puri's fried chicken so much, that we ordered more deep fried stuff. This Ika Geso Karaage (deep fried squid tentacles) price $6.90. Puri_Puri Goma Tebasaki (deep fried sesame chicken wings) price $8.90. Puri_Puri Beef Tataki (price $24). Puri_Puri Seared beef slices served medium rare with a savoury citrusy sauce. The beef is tender, juicy, slightly chewy which yields beefy flavours complemented by mild savoury and zesty sauce.   Puri_Puri Grilled Ayu Sweetfish (price $22 each). Simply salted, grilled and served. The white meat was very soft, slightly moist, sweetish balanced with toasty taste from the browning and a hint of salt. There was a subtle underlying earthly taste. Puri_Puri Hokkaido Wagyu Truffle Bowl (price 28.90). Japanese rice bowls are Puri-Puri's claim to fame. They are tasty complete meals in a bowl, perfect for the busy office crowd looking for a nice convenient workday lunch. Puri_Puri Flame grilled Hokkaido Wagyu sirloin laid on 16 multi-grain rice with salad, runny onsen egg, topped with scallion, sesame seed, garlic chips, and Italian truffle slices. Puri_Puri Restaurant name: Puri-Puri Address: 161 Lavender St, #01-04, Singapore 338750 Tel: +65 9107 5908 Hours: 11:30am - 9:30pm Date visited: 26 Sep 2020

Puri-Puri SG Beyond Japanese Rice Bowls @ 161 Lavender. Menu & Review Puri-Puri SG Beyond Japanese Rice Bowls @ 161 Lavender. Menu & Review Reviewed by amfy on أكتوبر 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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