Sân Mây Huế Restaurant. Memorable Vegan & Vegetarian Dinner in Hue, Vietnam

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Hue has many vegetarian restaurants as many locals are vegetarians by religious observance e.g. Buddhists. We visited two vegetarian restaurants during our visit - the more memorable one was Sân Mây Huế which is reputedly one of Hue's best vegan / vegetarian restaurants.

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We were at Sân Mây Huế for dinner. The restaurant is in a large house with a beautiful lush garden though we couldn't see much outside as it was dark.

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A limestone bust sculpture of Goddess of Mercy at the entrance.

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The hall of the house / restaurant. There was an altar dedicated to the Goddess of Mercy. Buddhist / Taoist homes in Vietnam always have an altar in the main hall dedicated to a deity.

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It's a beautiful traditional wooden house with lots of dark hardwood in its construction and furnishings. Very clean and lovingly kept.

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First course, pomelo salad.

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Sweet pomelo juice sac together with basil, chili pepper, soybean crisps, oil and a savoury sauce were eaten with a small piece of rice crisp. Nice, zesty refreshing flavours with various types of crunch and crisp. The taste and textures of this pomelo salad reminds of me lou hei yee sang eaten during Chinese New Year sans the raw fish.

Sân- Mây-Vegan-Vegetarian-Hue-Vietnam Vegetarian version of "grilled pork with rice vermicelli". The "grill pork" is made with fried tofu. The "grilled pork" and vermicelli are eaten together with a light savoury sauce.

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This was the most eye catching / attention grabbing dish of the evening.

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Crispy deep fried spring roll skewered with a thin stick served planted on a lantern of hollowed pineapple.

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There were also soft taro (yam) balls crusted with crispy puffed green rice.

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8 Colour Fried Rice with corn, diced carrot, long beans, mushroom, taro cubes.

Sân- Mây-Vegan-Vegetarian-Hue-Vietnam This is Hue, a version of that iconic dish bun bo Hue or "beef noodle from Hue" has to be on the menu, even a vegan / vegetarian restaurant. Sân Mây Huế's rendition does look the part, really. There's "pork" slices and that "crab-pork meat ball". Everything is made with vegetables, beans and tofu, of course.

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The crunchy slivers of banana blossom, lettuce, aromatic basil and coriander.

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The same rice and cassava noodle of bun bo Hue.

Sân- Mây-Vegan-Vegetarian-Hue-Vietnam If you are a vegan or vegetarian, do have Sân Mây Huế in your Hue itinerary. Even an omnivore will enjoy this unique beautiful place.

Sân- Mây-Vegan-Vegetarian-Hue-Vietnam Restaurant name: Sân Mây HuếAddress: 8 Thanh Tịnh, Vỹ Dạ, Thành phố Huế, Thừa Thiên HuếHours: 7:00am - 9:00pm (Sat & Sun) (Other days by appointment)Tel: +84 93 199 99 72 Date visited: 5 Mar 2020

Sân Mây Huế Restaurant. Memorable Vegan & Vegetarian Dinner in Hue, Vietnam Sân Mây Huế Restaurant. Memorable Vegan & Vegetarian Dinner in Hue, Vietnam Reviewed by amfy on مارس 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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